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In the Building: How to Find Things

Main Floor - Main Entrance

Pic: Friederike Tröndle

Registration, Information, ECTU, and SMZZ

The main floor contains the foyer with the registration desk for outpatient and inpatient services. Patients can register on their own at one of the modern terminals to reduce waiting periods. The central information desk of the ITZ is also open on weekends and holidays.

Pic: Miguel Babo

This is also where the interdisciplinary day therapy ward for outpatient chemotherapy and the Early Clinical Trial Unit (ECTU) are located. There are 36 treatment slots and 6 slots for ECTU.

The day clinic for leukapheresis of the Section for Medical Cell Therapy and Cell Research (SMZZ) is located in a separate area. 

Ground Floor

Pic: Friederike Tröndle

Outpatient Departments, Consultation Services, Head Office, Tumor Boards

16 parallel outpatient departments every day
The interdisciplinary outpatient area of the Department of Medicine I and the Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg – CCCF is located on the ground floor, as is the Oncological Patient Reception and Coordination Office (OPAL).

8 interdisciplinary consultation services
Various consultation services for patients and their families are located here, including the interdisciplinary consultation services of the CCCF as well as consultation services on clinical pastoral care, home care/specialized palliative care, oncological care, and the social service.

Other rooms
Also located on the ground floor are doctors’ offices, laboratories, the head office of the Department of Medicine I, and conference rooms for the interdisciplinary tumor boards.

1st Floor

Pic: Miguel Babo

Care wards

This is where care wards of the Department of Thoracic Surgery (ITZ-Brauer, ITZ-Nissen, ITZ-Sauerbruch) and the Department of General and Visceral Surgery (ITZ Station Sauerbruch) are located, with a total of 52 beds. The latter ward also has an intermediate care unit (IMC) with monitored beds.

2nd Floor

Pic: Miguel Babo

Löhr and Thannhauser Wards

The 2nd floor is reserved for patients with a weakened immune response. This is where patients receive care while receiving a stem-cell transplantation (Löhr Ward) or undergoing complex chemotherapy protocols (Thannhauser Ward). Each station has 26 beds available. HEPA filters provide clean air to all patient rooms, hallways, and lounge areas, allowing the patients to move around freely throughout the ward.