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Welcome to the Institute for Digitization in Medicine

Digitization is a decisive factor for healthcare quality. It is not just a matter of mapping existing processes electronically. Processes need to be rethought, restructured if necessary and linked together in a meaningful way. By digitizing treatment data, relevant information can be displayed and analysed in real time, effectively improving the quality of patient care. One key aspect is cooperation with various specialist departments and institutes, as well as with companies and start-ups, in order to drive forward digitalization in a way that is decisive for the future. Innovative, target-oriented and application-oriented solutions can only be designed through joint concepts and visions and the contribution of the respective core competencies. How can new digitalization technologies make everyday work easier, solve problems better and faster and be integrated in a targeted manner? The Institute for Digitalization in Medicine deals with these and many other questions. The team researches, advises and supports users, developers and companies in the field of digitalization and develops future-oriented solutions and concepts.

Acting Director

Dr. med. Christian Haverkamp
Institute for Digitization in Medicine
Phone: +49 761 270 22972