Talks & Events
Event note:
Presentation of the initial results from the EXPOLS project (Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models for Statistical Consulting), focus: employee survey (study part IV)
Location: online, please register in advance:
Date: 13 February 2024, 3:00-5:00 pm
Content: In this workshop, we will present the results of the employee survey in which members of the university and the university hospital were invited to participate in the summer of 2024. The focus is on experiences with and fields of application for large language models, as well as on regulatory and training needs. We want to discuss the results of the survey with the participants in an interactive format and derive future lines of action.
Target group: Interested research associates and managers at the University Hospital and the University of Freiburg
All dates and further information can be found here.
All appointments and further information will be at the website of the FDM seminar.