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Photo © Universität Freiburg/Sandra Meyndt

SmallData Symposium 2024 - Save the Date!


Discover the forefront of small data innovation at the SmallData Symposium, October 7th and 8th, 2024. Join us in Freiburg, Germany, where we will feature international experts, panel discussions, and poster sessions to foster interdisciplinary exchange and create a shared small data language. Moreover, the Vice Rector for Research and Innovation at the University of Freiburg, Stefan Rensing, will reflect on the cross-disciplinary importance of small data in an opening address.

More details, including confirmed speakers, can be found on our Save the Date Flyer.

Your presence matters! As seating is limited, please register your place as soon as possible via this survey link. The deadline for registration is September 10th. You will receive regular updates about the Symposium, including the program, via email and on our website.

We welcome submissions of abstracts on research with a focus on small data approaches for our Symposium poster sessions. Please indicate your interest via the registration survey. The submission deadline for abstracts is July 12th.

All dates and further information can be found here.

All appointments and further information will be at the website of the FDM seminar.