Our range of services
We provide medical services for a broad range of general medical and internal medical diseases and disorders:
- Allergies and skin diseases and disorders
- Diseases and disorders of the respiratory tract
- Diseases and disorders of the heart and circulatory system
- Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the liver
- Gynaecological diseases and disorders
- Cancer
- Psychosomatic disorders and environmental medical disorders ⇓ incl. diagnostics
- Pain-related diseases and disorders
- Hay fever
- Neurodermatitis
Treatment options:
- Augmented acupuncture
- Autohemotherapy
- Conversational therapy
- Nutrition therapy
- Disorders of the mouth, nose, and throat
- Recurrent bronchitis
- Asthmatic bronchitis
- Increased susceptibility to infections
Treatment options:
- Anthroposophical medicine, also as injection treatment
- Autohemotherapy
- Homeopathy
- Lifestyle regulation therapy
- Nutrition therapy
- Phytotherapy
- High blood pressure
- Metabolic syndrome (obesity)
Treatment options:
- Group support and practical guidance (see also projects)
- Nutrition therapy and relaxation therapy (regulation therapy)
- Chronic inflammatory bowel disease
- Chronic hepatitis B/C
- Irritable bowel syndrome
Treatment options:
- Classical acupuncture
- Nutritional medicine
- Phytotherapy
- Menopausal symptoms
- Menstrual cycle problems
- Unfulfilled wish to have children
Treatment options:
- Acupuncture
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Homeopathy
- Phytotherapy
Treatment options:
- Anthroposophical medicine
- Antioxidant balance
- Fever therapy Hyperthermia (locoregional radiofrequency hyperthermia)
- Individualized mistletoe therapy
- Nutritional therapy
- Phytotherapeutic adjuvant complementary therapy in cancer
Comprehensive counselling on meaningful complementary medicine approach to cancer care. Experimental therapy such as intratumoral mistletoe therapy (also sonographically steered), fever therapy, and locoregional radiofrequency hyperthermia (for passive whole body hyperthermia see www. Hyperthermie-zentrum-freiburg.de)
- Anxiety disorders
- Chronic fatigue syndromes
- Depression
Treatment options:
- Acupuncture
- Chinese medicine
- Cupping
- Homeopathy
- Phytotherapy
Careful consideration is given to taking the patient’s medical history in a detailed personal interview followed by a physical examination. One of the principal diagnostic methods in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the inspection of the tongue and pulse.
Furthermore, we have at our disposal the following diagnostic equipment:
- High-resolution colour-coded ultrasound scanner
- 12-channel ECG machine
- Assessment of respiratory function by means of body plethysmography
- Laboratory: all the options currently available today
- Vegetative regulation diagnostics used in classical complementary medicine and Chinese medicine.
- Fibromyalgia
- Headache
- Rheumatic diseases
Treatment options:
- Injection therapy
- Nutrition therapy
- Neural therapy
- Regulation therapy
- Phytotherapy
Statutory health insurance funds do not fully support complementary health care, for which reason some treatments must be paid privately on an individual basis. Our prices are set in accordance with the official scale of medical fees for doctors and dentists. Full list available on enquiry.
Because of our affiliation with the Medical Centre’s polyclinic, we are able to provide medical procedures (laboratory, instrument-based diagnostics etc.) that are covered by statutory medical insurance. Please bring a letter of referral from your general practitioner.

Prof. Dr. med. Roman Huber
FA für Innere Medizin, Gastroenterologie, Zusatzausbildung in Naturheilverfahren, Akupunktur, Ernährungsbeauftragter Arzt, Anthroposophische Medizin (GAÄD)
Claudia Hornecker
Marion Kramer
Margrit Berg
- Montag 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr
- Dienstag 9:00 - 15:00 Uhr
- Mittwoch 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr
- Donnerstag 9:00 - 15:00 Uhr
- Freitag 9:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Tel.: ++49 (0) 7 61 / 2 70 82 01 0
Fax: ++49 (0) 7 61 / 2 70 83 23 0
Theodor von Frerichs Haus
79106 Freiburg