Schmidt, Carla, PhD

Department of Thoracic Surgery – Division of Cancer Research, University Medical Center Freiburg
German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner Site Freiburg
Breisacherstr. 115, 79106 Freiburg i.Br.
Title of the project:
Discovering non-canonical driver mutations in cancer in high-throughput using endogenous models
Most point mutations found in cancer are functionally uncharacterized and hence cannot be exploited for patient stratification and therapy decisions. Current approaches to study mutations endogenously are time-consuming and lack the possibility for high-throughput. In this project, we focus on the introduction of comprehensive libraries of targeted mutations endogenously into the cell genome using innovative CRISPR-derived tools to assess their functional impact and their impact on therapy response and resistance.
Selected Publications:
Schindele A, Gehrke F, Schmidt C, Röhrig S, Dorn A, Puchta H. Using CRISPR-Kill for organ specific cell elimination by cleavage of tandem repeats. Nature Communications (2022) 13: 1502.
Schmidt C, Fransz P, Rönspies M, Dreissig S, Fuchs J, Heckmann S, Houben A, Puchta H. Changing local recombination patterns in Arabidopsis by CRISPR/Cas mediated chromosome engineering. Nature Communications (2020) 11: 4418
Beying N, Schmidt C, Pacher M, Houben A, Puchta H. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated induction of heritable chromosomal translocations in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants (2020) 6: 638-645.
- Schmidt et al., „From gene editing to genome engineering: restructuring plant chromosomes via CRISPR/Cas” 2019, aBIOTECH
- Schmidt et al., „DNA Break Repair in Plants and Its Application for Genome Engineering” 2019, Methods in Molecular Biology.
Steinert J, Schmidt C, Puchta H. Use of the Cas9 Orthologs from Streptococcus thermophilus and Staphylococcus aureus for Non-Homologous End-Joining Mediated Site-Specific Mutagenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.Methods Mol Biol. (2017). 1669:365-376.