Actin Assembly for Intracellular Functions 2.0
May 10-12, 2023Freiburg | Germany
Dear friends and colleagues,
the first AAIF (Actin Assembly for Intracellular Functions) symposium was a great success due to its interactive environment and great scientific contributions.
We therefore decided it is time to announce the second symposium on "Actin Assembly for Intracellular Functions - AAIF 2.0”, which will be held again in Freiburg, Mai 10-12 2023.
The actin cytoskeleton is a major cellular organizer in biological life. Due to its enormous range of protein interactions as well as actin regulatory factors, it fulfils a multitude of essential physiological functions in plants or microorganisms and throughout the animal kingdom.
The meeting will cover a range of topics on the role of actin in
- signalling
- intracellular trafficking
- transcription, chromatin dynamics and nuclear architecture
- mechanisms of actin organization, assembly and turnover
- disease mechanisms.
The meeting will take place at the Otto-Krayer-Haus on the city campus of Freiburg's University.
To provide a highly interactive environment and to strongly support young scientists and foster scientific discussion, we will select up to 15 short talks from abstract submissions in addition to poster sessions. Space is limited to 120 participants - so register soon!
We look forward to a lively and interactive symposium in Freiburg, city of the Black Forest.
Best Regards,
Robert Grosse