Dr. Elias Kellner
Medical Physics
Department of Radiology
University Medical Center Freiburg
Killianstr. 5a
79106 Freiburg
Tel.: +49 761 270-93860
Curriculum Vitae
2002–2004 | Undergraduate Studies in Physics at University Freiburg |
2004–2005 | Academic Year at University of Tromsø (Norway) |
2005–2006 | Academic Year at University of Innsbruck (Austria) |
2006–2010 | Graduate Studies in Physics at University Freiburg |
2010–2014 | PhD at University Medical Center Freiburg |
2014–dato | Post Doc at University Medical Center Freiburg |
Oct 2014 | ROMIUS Preis für Wissenschaft und Forschung |
May 2012 | Young Investigator Award Finalist, ISMRM 2012, Melbourne |
Publications (Journal Papers)
Ades-Aron B, J Veraart, P Kochunov, S McGuire, P Sherman, Kellner E, DS Novikov, and E Fieremans. “Evaluation of the accuracy and precision of the diffusion parameter EStImation with Gibbs and NoisE removal pipeline”. NeuroImage (2018).
Egger K, C Strecker, Kellner E, and H Urbach. “Imaging in acute ischemic stroke using automated postprocessing algorithms”. Der Nervenarzt (2018).
Kellner E, I Mader, M Reisert, H Urbach, and VG Kiselev. “Arterial input function in a dedicated slice for cerebral perfusion measurements in humans”. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (2018), pp. 1–10.
Konopleva L, KA Il’yasov, H Skibbe, VG Kiselev, Kellner E, B Dhital, and M Reisert. “Modelfree global tractography”. NeuroImage 174 (2018), pp. 576–586.
Anastasopoulos C, M Reisert, and Kellner E. ““Nora Imaging”: A Web-Based Platform for Medical Imaging”. Neuropediatrics 48.S 01 (2017), P26.
Demerath T, CP Simon-Gabriel, Kellner E, R Schwarzwald, T Lange, DH Heiland, P Reinacher, O Staszewski, H Mast, VG Kiselev, et al. “Mesoscopic imaging of glioblastomas: Are diffusion, perfusion and spectroscopic measures influenced by the radiogenetic phenotype?” The neuroradiology journal 30.1 (2017), pp. 36–47.
Dhital B, M Reisert, Kellner E, and VG Kiselev. “Intra-axonal diffusivity in brain white matter”. arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04565 (2017).
Dhital B, Kellner E, VG Kiselev, and M Reisert. “The absence of restricted water pool in brain white matter”. Neuroimage (2017).
Fallmar D, S Haller, J Lilja, T Danfors, L Kilander, N Tolboom, K Egger, Kellner E, PM Croon, SC Verfaillie, et al. “Arterial spin labeling-based Z-maps have high specificity and positive predictive value for neurodegenerative dementia compared to FDG-PET”. European radiology 27.10 (2017), pp. 4237–4246.
Heiland DH, CP Simon-Gabriel, T Demerath, G Haaker, D Pfeifer, Kellner E, VG Kiselev, O Staszewski, H Urbach, A Weyerbrock, et al. “Integrative diffusion-weighted imaging and radiogenomic network analysis of glioblastoma multiforme”. Scientific reports 7 (2017), p. 43523.
Heiland DH, T Demerath, Kellner E, VG Kiselev, D Pfeifer, O Schnell, O Staszewski, H Urbach, A Weyerbrock, and I Mader. “Molecular differences between cerebral blood volume and vessel size in glioblastoma multiforme”. Oncotarget 8.7 (2017), p. 11083.
Kellner E, M Reisert, VG Kiselev, CJ Maurer, LA Beume, H Urbach, and K Egger. “Automated infarct core volumetry within the hypoperfused tissue: technical implementation and evaluation”. Journal of computer assisted tomography 41.4 (2017), pp. 515–520.
Maier O, BH Menze, J von der Gablentz, L H¨ani, MP Heinrich, M Liebrand, S Winzeck, A Basit, P Bentley, L Chen, et al. “ISLES 2015-A public evaluation benchmark for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from multispectral MRI”. Medical image analysis 35 (2017), pp. 250–269.
Reisert M, Kellner E, B Dhital, J Hennig, and VG Kiselev. “Disentangling micro from mesostructure by diffusion MRI: A Bayesian approach”. Neuroimage 147 (2017), pp. 964–975.
Fallmar D, S Haller, J Lilja, T Danfors, L Kilander, N Tolboom, K Egger, Kellner E, P Croon, S Verfaillie, et al. “Arterial Spin Labeling versus FDG-PET for Differential Diagnosis in Dementia– use of Z-maps for visual assessment”. (2016).
Kellner E, B Dhital, VG Kiselev, and M Reisert. “Gibbs-ringing artifact removal based on local subvoxel-shifts”. Magnetic resonance in medicine 76.5 (2016), pp. 1574–1581.
Simon-Gabriel CP, A Weyerbrock, K Guggenberger, D Pfeifer, Kellner E, O Schnell, H Urbach, I Mader, and DH Heiland. “Characterization of Gioblastome Subtypes by integrative analysis of matched gene expressions and advanced magnetic resonance imaging data”. NEUROONCOLOGY. Vol. 18. 2016, pp. 134–134.
Kellner E, T Breyer, P Gall, K Muller, M Trippel, O Staszewski, F Stein, O Saborowski, O Dyakova, H Urbach, et al. “MR evaluation of vessel size imaging of human gliomas: Validation by histopathology”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 42.4 (2015), pp. 1117–1125.
Reisert M, B Dihtal, Kellner E, H Skibbe, and C Kaller. “Symmetric Wiener Processes for Probabilistic Tractography and Connectivity Estimation”. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer. 2015, pp. 53–60.
Kellner E, P Gall, M Günther, M Reisert, I Mader, R Fleysher, and VG Kiselev. “Blood tracer kinetics in the arterial tree”. PloS one 9.10 (2014), e109230.
Kellner E, M Mix, M Reisert, K Förster, T Nguyen-Thanh, DN Splitthoff, P Gall, VG Kiselev, and I Mader. “Quantitative cerebral blood flow with bolus tracking perfusion MRI: Measurements in porcine model and comparison with PET”. Magnetic resonance in medicine 72.6 (2014), pp. 1723–1734.
Reisert M, VG Kiselev, B Dihtal, Kellner E, and D Novikov. “MesoFT: unifying diffusion modelling and fiber tracking”. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and ComputerAssisted Intervention. Springer. 2014, pp. 201–208.
Kellner E, I Mader, M Mix, DN Splitthoff, M Reisert, K Foerster, T Nguyen-Thanh, P Gall, and VG Kiselev. “Arterial input function measurements for bolus tracking perfusion imaging in the brain”. Magnetic resonance in medicine 69.3 (2013), pp. 771–780.
Reisert M, Kellner E, and VG Kiselev. “About the geometry of asymmetric fiber orientation distributions”. IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31.6 (2012), pp. 1240–1249.
Xu C, WU Schmidt, I Galinovic, K Villringer, B Hotter, AC Ostwaldt, N Denisova, Kellner E, V Kiselev, and JB Fiebach. “The potential of microvessel density in prediction of infarct growth: a two-month experimental study in vessel size imaging”. Cerebrovascular Diseases 33.4 (2012), pp. 303–309.
Kellner E, I Mader, D Splitthoff, M Reisert, K Förster, T Nguyen-Thanh, P Gall, and V Kiselev. Arterial input function for bolus tracking perfusion imaging in the brain. 2011.
Gall P, P Emerich, BF Kjølby, Kellner E, I Mader, and VG Kiselev. “On the design of filters for Fourier and oSVD-based deconvolution in bolus tracking perfusion MRI”. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 23.3 (2010), pp. 187–195.
Emerich P, P Gall, B Kjølby, Kellner E, I Mader, and V Kiselev. “Design of a data driven deconvolution filter for DSC perfusion”. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. Vol. 18. 1794, p. 2010.
Conference Abstracts
E Kellner, I Mader, M Mix, DN Splitthoff, M Reisert, K Foerster ,T Nguyen-Thanh, P Gall, VG Kiselev. Arterial input function for bolus tracking perfusion imaging in the brain. #0066, ISMRM Annual Meeting, 2012 Melbourne, Australia
E Kellner, et al. Comparison of Quantitative Cerebral Blood Flow measured with Bolus Tracking Perfusion MRI and H215O PET in Porcine Model. ISMRM Annual Meeting 2013, Salt Lake City, USA
E Kellner, I Mader, M Reisert, VG Kiselev. Bolus Tracking Perfusion Imaging in Humans Using Quantitative Arterial Input Function. ISMRM Annual Meeting 2013, Salt Lake City, USA
E Kellner, I Mader, M Reisert, VG Kiselev. Alternative Sequence for Arterial Input Function Measurements for Bolus Tracking Perfusion Imaging in the Brain. ISMRM Annual Meeting 2013, Salt Lake City, USA
E Kellner, R Fleysher, M Günther, M Reisert, P Gall, and VG Kiselev. Delay and dispersion in the microvascular network due to laminar flow with account for vessel bifurcations. ISMRM Annual meeting 2013, Salt Lake City, USA