AG Kardiovaskuläre Biologie/Cardiovascular biology
Projektleiter: Prof. Dr. Martin Moser
Normal development and homeostasis of the vasculature is a key prerequisite for proper development of the body and avoidance of cardiovascular diseases. We aim to understand normal and pathologic blood vessel formation and remodeling at the molecular level in order to develop novel therapeutic strategies to fight against cardiovascular diseases. In particular we are interested in the role of embryonic signaling pathways in vascular biology. To achieve these goals we use a broad spectrum of molecular techniques as well as in vitro and in vivo models including mouse and zebrafish. Screening for novel regulators in cardiovascular diseases is a mainstay of our scientific approach. One representative example of our work is the identification the novel modulator of bone morphogenetic signaling termed BMPER in an embryonic screen for vascular precursor cells. BMPER turns out to play a key role in several cardiovascular conditions such as angiogenesis and vascular inflammation. Other regulators that we currently work on belong to the families of transcription factors, microRNAs or extracellular proteins.
Eine normale Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung des Blutgefässsystems ist eine Schlüsselvoraussetzung für die regelrechte Entwicklung des Organismus und für die Vermeidung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen. Unsere Gruppe arbeitet daran, die normale und die pathologische Blutgefässentwicklung und Regeneration auf molekularem Niveau zu verstehen um neue therapeutische Strategien zur Bekämpfung kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen zu entwickeln. Wir nutzen ein breites Spektrum molekularbiologischer Techniken sowie in vitro als auch in vivo Modelle in Maus und Zebrafisch um diese Ziele zu erreichen. Screening Ansätze zur Identifikation neuer Regulatoren kardiovaskulärer Erkrankungen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer wissenschaftlichen Herangehensweise. Ein repräsentatives Beispiel unserer Arbeit stellt die Identifikation von BMPER in einem embryonalen Screen für vaskuläre Vorläuferzellen dar. Unsere Arbeiten konnten zeigen, dass BMPER eine wichtige Rolle in der Angiogenese und der vaskulären Inflammation spielt. Weitere Regulatoren die zurzeit im Fokus unserer Arbeit stehen gehören zu den Familien der Transkriptionsfaktoren, der Micro RNA oder der extrazellulären Proteine.

Prof. Dr. Martin Moser
Group leader, PI

PD Dr. rer. nat. Jennifer S. Eßer (née Heinke)
Associated group leader, Lab head, PI
AG Vascular Remodelling
Bianca Engert

Sandra Link

Theresa Andree
Medical Student

Judith Hübner
Medical Student

Rahel Elisabeth Steiner
Medical Student

Svenja Frank
Medical Student

Lea Weil
Medical Student

Lisa Born
Team - Associated members
- PD Dr. med. Philipp Diehl
Group leader, PI
AG Vascular inflammation & Platelets - PD Dr. med. Thomas Helbing
Group leader, PI
E-Mail: - Dr. med. Achim Lother
Group leader, PI
AG Cardiovascular Pharmacology - Dr. med. Christoph B. Olivier
Group leader, PI
AG Antithrombotic Therapy - PD Dr. med. Qian Zhou
Group leader, PI
AG Vascular Signaling
Graduate students
- Severin Gylstorff (B.Sc. Molecular and Technical Medicine)
- Anita Allen (Dipl. Biol.)
PhD students
- Dipl. Biol. Anne Charlet (Dr. rer. nat.)
- Dipl. Biol. Anne Feßner (Dr. rer. nat.)
- Dipl. Biol. Kim-Miriam Baar
- Dipl. med, Dipl. Biotechnologie Xuefei Zhou
Research fellows
- Dr. med. Mark Kerber
- Dr. med. Syd-Mei Schmidt (née Klinkert)
- Dr. med. Dawid Staudacher
- Dr. med. Thomas Köhler
- Dr. med. Ferenc Nagy
- Dr. med. Tobias Krauss
- Dr. med. Florian Tegtmeier
- Jessica Beckert
- Ute Wering
- Adrian Bauer
- Christoph Brandt
- Alberto Vargas
Medical students
- Dr. med. Meike Deckler
- Dr. med. Erika Saretzki
- Dr. med. Alexandra Sieker
- Dr. med. Stefanie Scheid
- Dr. med. Nikolaus von Niessen
- Dr. med. Melanie Meyer
- Dr. med. Katharina Schnabel
- Dr. med. dent. Michaela Einert
- Dr. med. Patrick Weik
- Dr. med. Elena Brauers (née Ketterer)
- Dr. med. Susanne Rahner
- Dr. med. dent. Ann-Kathrin Baur
- Dr. med. Karina Rüller
- Dr. med. Constanze Keller
- Dr. med. vet. Alexandra Hornstein
- Dr. med. Eva Hirschbihl (née Herold)
- Stefanie Wintrich
- Dr. med. Maria Juschkat
- Dr. med. Miriam Aleker
- Dr. med. Christoph Halsscheid
- Dr. med. Sophia Heck
- Dr. med. Lena Weber (née Götz)
- Dr. med. Rene Rothweiler
- Dr. med. Christoph Zöller
- Dr. med. Leonie Mnich (née Wehofsits)
- Dr. med. Franziska Volkmar
- Dr. med. Verena Sossong
- Dr. med. Stefan Winnik
Original articles
Reichert S, Scheid S, Roth T, Herkel M, Petrova D, Linden A, Weberbauer M, Esser J, Diehl P, Grundmann S, Busch HJ, Fink K, Bode C, Moser M, Helbing T.
Semaphorin 3F Promotes Transendothelial Migration of Leukocytes in the Inflammatory Response After Survived Cardiac Arrest.
Inflammation. 2019 Mar 15. doi: 10.1007/s10753-019-00985-4. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 30877507
Diehl P, Gaul DS, Sogl J, Flierl U, Henstridge D, Pahla J, Bugger H, Emmert, MY, Ruschitzka F, Bode C, Lüscher TF, Moser M, Matter CM, Peter K, Winnik S.
The effect of oxygen in Sirt3-mediated myocardial protection: a proof-of-concept study in cultured cardiomyoblasts.
J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2018 Jul;46(1):102-112.
Esser JS, Steiner RE, Deckler M, Schmitt H, Engert B, Link S, Charlet A, Patterson C, Bode C, Zhou Q, Moser M.
Extracellular bone morphogenetic protein, modulator BMPER and twisted gastrulation homolog 1 preserve arterial-venous, specification in zebrafish blood vessel development and regulate Notch signaling, in endothelial cells.
FEBS J. 2018 Apr;285(8):1419-1436.
Lother A, Bergemann S, Deng L, Moser M, Bode C, Hein L.
Cardiac Endothelial, Cell Transcriptome.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2018 Mar; 38(3):566-574.
Pankratz F, Hohnloser C, Bemtgen X, Jaenich C, Kreuzaler S, Hoefer I, Pasterkamp G, Mastroianni J, Zeiser R, Smolka C, Schneider L, Martin J, Juschkat, M, Helbing T, Moser M, Bode C, Grundmann S.
MicroRNA-100 Suppresses Chronic, Vascular Inflammation by Stimulation of Endothelial Autophagy.
Circ Res. 2018 Feb, 2;122(3):417-432.
Helbing T, Arnold L, Wiltgen G, Hirschbihl E, Gabelmann V, Hornstein A, Esser JS, Diehl P, Grundmann S, Busch HJ, Fink K, Bode C, Moser M.
Endothelial BMP4 Regulates Leukocyte Diapedesis and Promotes Inflammation.
Inflammation. 2017 Dec;40(6):1862-1874. doi: 10.1007/s10753-017-0627-0. PMID: 28755278
Esser JS, Saretzki E, Pankratz F, Engert B, Grundmann S, Bode C, Moser M, Zhou Q.
Bone morphogenetic protein 4 regulates microRNAs miR-494 and miR-126-5p in control of endothelial cell function in angiogenesis.
Thrombosis and haemostasis. 2017 Apr 03;117:734-749
Esser JS, Charlet A, Schmidt M, Heck S, Allen A, Lother A, Epting D, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M.
The neuronal transcription factor NPAS4 is a strong inducer of sprouting angiogenesis and tip cell formation.
Cardiovasc Res. 2017 Feb; 113:222-223
Helbing T, Wiltgen G, Hornstein A, Brauers EZ, Arnold L, Bauer A, Esser JS, Diehl P, Grundmann S, Fink K, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M.
Bone Morphogenetic Protein-Modulator BMPER Regulates Endothelial Barrier Function.
Inflammation. 2016 Dec 19
Zhou Q, Einert M, Schmitt H, Wang Z, Pankratz F, Olivier CB, Bode C, Liao JK, Moser M.
MnTBAP increases BMPR-II expression in endothelial cells and attenuates vascular inflammation.
Vascular pharmacology. 2016 Sep;84:67-73
Rilinger J, Meyer M, Schnabel K, Weik P, Charlet A, Esser JS, Zhou Q, Bode C, Moser M, Diehl P, Olivier CB. High platelet reactivity after P2Y12-inhibition in patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary stenting. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2016 Nov;42:558-565
Zhou Q, Einert M, Schmitt H, Wang Z, Pankratz F, Olivier CB, Bode C, Liao JK, Moser M.
MnTBAP increases BMPR-II expression in endothelial cells and attenuates vascular inflammation.
Vascular pharmacology. 2016 Sep;84:67-73
Olivier CB, Meyer M, Bauer H, Schnabel K, Weik P, Zhou Q, Bode C, Moser M, Diehl P.
The Ratio of ADP- to TRAP-Induced Platelet Aggregation Quantifies P2Y12-Dependent Platelet Inhibition Independently of the Platelet Count.
PloS one. 2016;11:e0149053
Olivier CB, Weik P, Meyer M, Weber S, Diehl P, Bode C, Moser M, Zhou Q.
Dabigatran and rivaroxaban do not affect AA- and ADP-induced platelet aggregation in patients receiving concomitant platelet inhibitors.
Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2016 Aug;42:161-166
Olivier CB, Schnabel K, Weber S, Zhou Q, Bode C, Moser M, Diehl P.
Platelet reactivity after administration of third generation P2Y12-antagonists does not depend on body weight in contrast to clopidogrel.
Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2016 Jul;42:84-89
Pankratz F, Bemtgen X, Zeiser R, Leonhardt F, Kreuzaler S, Hilgendorf I, Smolka C, Helbing T, Hoefer I, Esser JS, Kustermann M, Moser M, Bode C, Grundmann S. Response to Letter Regarding Article, "MicroRNA-155 Exerts Cell-Specific Antiangiogenic but Proarteriogenic Effects During Adaptive Neovascularization".
Circulation. 2015 Dec 8;132:e376
Olivier CB, Weik P, Meyer M, Weber S, Anto-Michel N, Diehl P, Zhou Q, Geisen U, Bode C, Moser M. TRAP-induced platelet aggregation is enhanced in cardiovascular patients receiving dabigatran.
Thromb Res. 2015 Epub; 2015 Nov 1
Reinohl J, Psyrakis D, Kaier K, Kodirov S, Siepe M, Gutmann A, von Zur Muhlen C, Moser M, Ahrens I, Pache G, Zirlik A, Langer M, Beyersdorf F, Zehender M, Bode C, Blanke P.
Aortic root volume is associated with contained rupture of the aortic annulus in balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions. 2016 Mar;87:807-817
Reinohl J, Kaier K, Gutmann A, Sorg S, von Zur Muhlen C, Siepe M, Baumbach H, Moser M, Geibel A, Zirlik A, Blanke P, Vach W, Beyersdorf F, Bode C and Zehender M.
In-hospital resource utilization in surgical and transcatheter aortic valve replacement.
BMC cardiovascular disorders. 2015;15:132
Dyer L, Lockyer P, Wu Y, Saha A, Cyr C, Moser M, Pi X and Patterson C.
BMPER Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in the Developing Cardiac Cushions.
PloS one. 2015;10:e0139209
Zhou Q, Gensch C, Keller C, Schmitt H, Esser J, Moser M, Liao JK.
MnTBAP stimulates angiogenic functions in endothelial cells through mitofusin-1.
Vascular pharmacology. 2015 Sep;72:163-171
Eisenhardt SU, Weiss JB, Smolka C, Maxeiner J, Pankratz F, Bemtgen X, Kustermann M, Thiele JR, Schmidt Y, Bjoern Stark G, Moser M, Bode C, Grundmann S.
MicroRNA-155 aggravates ischemia-reperfusion injury by modulation of inflammatory cell recruitment and the respiratory oxidative burst.
Basic research in cardiology. 2015 May;110:32
Pankratz F, Bemtgen X, Zeiser R, Leonhardt F, Kreuzaler S, Hilgendorf I, Smolka C, Helbing T, Hoefer I, Esser JS, Kustermann M, Moser M, Bode C, Grundmann S.
MicroRNA-155 Exerts Cell-Specific Antiangiogenic but Proarteriogenic Effects During Adaptive Neovascularization.
Circulation. 2015 May 5;131:1575-1589
Olivier CB, Bode C, Moser M.
Peri und postinterventionelle Thrombozyten-Aggregationshemmung bei Diabetikern.
Vasomed 2015; 5: 253-254.
Esser JS, Rahner S, Deckler M, Bode C, Patterson C, Moser M.
Fibroblast growth factor signaling pathway in endothelial cells is activated by BMPER to promote angiogenesis.
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2015 Feb;35:358-367
Kaier K, Gutmann A, Vach W, Sorg S, Siepe M, von Zur Muhlen C, Moser M, Blanke P, Beyersdorf F, Zehender M, Bode C, Reinohl J.
"Heart Team" decision making in elderly patients with symptomatic aortic valve stenosis who underwent AVR or TAVI - a look behind the curtain. Results of the prospective TAVI Calculation of Costs Trial (TCCT). EuroIntervention
Olivier CB, Schnabel K, Brandt C, Weik P, Olschewski M, Zhou Q, Bode C, Diehl P, Moser M.
A high ratio of ADP-TRAP induced platelet aggregation is associated more strongly with increased mortality after coronary stent implantation than high conventional ADP induced aggregation alone.
Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society. 2014 Dec;103:968-975
Gutmann A, Kaier K, Sorg S, von Zur Muhlen C, Siepe M, Moser M, Geibel A, Zirlik A, Ahrens I, Baumbach H, Beyersdorf F, Vach W, Zehender M, Bode C, Reinohl J.
Analysis of the additional costs of clinical complications in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement in the German Health Care System.
International journal of cardiology. 2014 Nov 11;179C:231-237
Olivier CB, Diehl P, Schnabel K, Weik P, Zhou Q, Bode C, Moser M.
Third generation P2Y12 antagonists inhibit platelet aggregation more effectively than clopidogrel in a myocardial infarction registry.
Thrombosis and haemostasis. 2014 Jan 29;111:266-272.
Dyer L, Wu Y, Moser M, Patterson C. BMPER-induced BMP signaling promotes coronary artery remodeling. Developmental biology. 2014 Feb 15;386:385-394.
Fessner A, Esser JS, Bluhm F, Grundmann S, Zhou Q, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M. The transcription factor HoxB5 stimulates vascular remodelling in a cytokine-dependent manner. Cardiovasc Res. 2014 Feb 1;101:247-255.
Helbing T, Herold EM, Hornstein A, Wintrich S, Heinke J, Grundmann S, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M. Inhibition of BMP activity protects epithelial barrier function in lung injury. The Journal of pathology. 2013 Sep;231:105-116.
Reinohl J, Gutmann A, Kollum M, von Zur Muhlen C, Baumbach H, Avlar M, Moser M, Bode C, Zehender M. Transfemoral aortic valve implantation: bleeding events, related costs and outcomes. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2013 May;35:469-475.
Heinke J, Juschkat M, Charlet A, Mnich L, Helbing T, Bode C, Patterson C, Moser M. Antagonism and synergy between extracellular BMP modulators Tsg and BMPER balance blood vessel formation. Journal of cell science. 2013 Jul 15;126:3082-3094.
Grundmann S, Lindmayer C, Hans FP, Hoefer I, Helbing T, Pasterkamp G, Bode C, de Kleijn D, Moser M. FoxP1 stimulates angiogenesis by repressing the inhibitory guidance protein semaphorin 5B in endothelial cells. PloS one. 2013;8:e70873.
Pi X, Lockyer P, Dyer LA, Schisler JC, Russell B, Carey S, Sweet DT, Chen Z, Tzima E, Willis MS, Homeister JW, Moser M, Patterson C. Bmper inhibits endothelial expression of inflammatory adhesion molecules and protects against atherosclerosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012 Sep;32:2214-2222.
Zhou Q, Mei Y, Shoji T, Han X, Kaminski K, Oh GT, Ongusaha PP, Zhang K, Schmitt H, Moser M, Bode C, Liao JK. Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing kinase 2 deficiency in bone marrow-derived cells leads to increased cholesterol efflux and decreased atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2012 Oct 30;126:2236-2247.
Heinke J, Kerber M, Rahner S, Mnich L, Lassmann S, Helbing T, Werner M, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M. Bone morphogenetic protein modulator BMPER is highly expressed in malignant tumors and controls invasive cell behavior. Oncogene. 2012 Jun 14;31:2919-2930.
Grundmann S, Fink K, Rabadzhieva L, Bourgeois N, Schwab T, Moser M, Bode C, Busch HJ. Perturbation of the endothelial glycocalyx in post cardiac arrest syndrome. Resuscitation. 2012 Jun;83:715-720.
Pi X, Schmitt CE, Xie L, Portbury AL, Wu Y, Lockyer P, Dyer LA, Moser M, Bu G, Flynn EJ, 3rd, Jin SW, Patterson C. LRP1-dependent endocytic mechanism governs the signaling output of the bmp system in endothelial cells and in angiogenesis. Circ Res. 2012 Aug 17;111:564-574.
Duerschmied D, Ahrens I, Mauler M, Brandt C, Weidner S, Bode C, Moser M. Serotonin antagonism improves platelet inhibition in clopidogrel low-responders after coronary stent placement: an in vitro pilot study. PloS one. 2012;7:e32656.
Diehl P, Halscheid C, Olivier C, Helbing T, Bode C, Moser M. Discontinuation of long term clopidogrel therapy induces platelet rebound hyperaggregability between 2 and 6 weeks post cessation. Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society. 2011 Sep;100:765-771.
Moreno-Miralles I, Ren R, Moser M, Hartnett ME, Patterson C. Bone morphogenetic protein endothelial cell precursor-derived regulator regulates retinal angiogenesis in vivo in a mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2011 Oct;31:2216-2222.
Helbing T, Rothweiler R, Ketterer E, Goetz L, Heinke J, Grundmann S, Duerschmied D, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M. BMP activity controlled by BMPER regulates the proinflammatory phenotype of endothelium. Blood. 2011 Nov 3;118:5040-5049.
Grundmann S, Hans FP, Kinniry S, Heinke J, Helbing T, Bluhm F, Sluijter JP, Hoefer I, Pasterkamp G, Bode C, Moser M. MicroRNA-100 regulates neovascularization by suppression of mammalian target of rapamycin in endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. Circulation. 2011 Mar 8;123:999-1009.
Diehl P, Aleker M, Helbing T, Sossong V, Germann M, Sorichter S, Bode C, Moser M. Increased platelet, leukocyte and endothelial microparticles predict enhanced coagulation and vascular inflammation in pulmonary hypertension. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2011 Feb;31:173-179.
Willecke F, Zeschky K, Ortiz Rodriguez A, Colberg C, Auwarter V, Kneisel S, Hutter M, Lozhkin A, Hoppe N, Wolf D, von zur Muhlen C, Moser M, Hilgendorf I, Bode C, Zirlik A. Cannabinoid receptor 2 signaling does not modulate atherogenesis in mice. PloS one. 2011;6:e19405.
Moser M, Lickfeld T, Möckel M, Radke P, Vollert J, Bode C. "Standard operating procedures" zur Umsetzung der Leitlinien beim Nicht-ST-Hebungsinfarkt. Der Kardiologe. 2010 Oct 01;4:389-399.
Diehl P, Olivier C, Halscheid C, Helbing T, Bode C, Moser M. Clopidogrel affects leukocyte dependent platelet aggregation by P2Y12 expressing leukocytes. Basic research in cardiology. 2010 May;105:379-387.
Helbing T, Rothweiler R, Heinke J, Goetz L, Diehl P, Zirlik A, Patterson C, Bode C, Moser M. BMPER is upregulated by statins and modulates endothelial inflammation by intercellular adhesion molecule-1. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010 Mar;30:554-560.
Helbing T, Volkmar F, Goebel U, Heinke J, Diehl P, Pahl HL, Bode C, Patterson C, Moser M. Kruppel-like factor 15 regulates BMPER in endothelial cells. Cardiovasc Res. 2010 Feb 1;85:551-559.
Diehl P, Aleker M, Helbing T, Sossong V, Beyersdorf F, Olschewski M, Bode C, Moser M. Enhanced microparticles in ventricular assist device patients predict platelet, leukocyte and endothelial cell activation. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2010 Aug;11:133-137.
Grundmann S, Schirmer SH, Hekking LH, Post JA, Ionita MG, de Groot D, van Royen N, van den Berg B, Vink H, Moser M, Bode C, de Kleijn D, Pasterkamp G, Piek JJ, Hoefer IE. Endothelial glycocalyx dimensions are reduced in growing collateral arteries and modulate leucocyte adhesion in arteriogenesis. J Cell Mol Med. 2009 Sep;13:3463-3474.
Kelley R, Ren R, Pi X, Wu Y, Moreno I, Willis M, Moser M, Ross M, Podkowa M, Attisano L, Patterson C. A concentration-dependent endocytic trap and sink mechanism converts Bmper from an activator to an inhibitor of Bmp signaling. J Cell Biol. 2009 Feb 23;184:597-609.
Winnik S, Klinkert M, Kurz H, Zoeller C, Heinke J, Wu Y, Bode C, Patterson C, Moser M. HoxB5 induces endothelial sprouting in vitro and modifies intussusceptive angiogenesis in vivo involving angiopoietin-2. Cardiovasc Res. 2009 Aug 1;83:558-565.
Heinke J, Wehofsits L, Zhou Q, Zoeller C, Baar KM, Helbing T, Laib A, Augustin H, Bode C, Patterson C, Moser M. BMPER is an endothelial cell regulator and controls bone morphogenetic protein-4-dependent angiogenesis. Circ Res. 2008 Oct 10;103:804-812.
Diehl P, Nagy F, Sossong V, Helbing T, Beyersdorf F, Olschewski M, Bode C, Moser M. Increased levels of circulating microparticles in patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. Thrombosis and haemostasis. 2008 Apr;99:711-719.
Moser M, Yu Q, Bode C, Xiong JW, Patterson C. BMPER is a conserved regulator of hematopoietic and vascular development in zebrafish. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2007 Sep;43:243-253.
Pi X, Ren R, Kelley R, Zhang C, Moser M, Bohil AB, Divito M, Cheney RE, Patterson C. Sequential roles for myosin-X in BMP6-dependent filopodial extension, migration, and activation of BMP receptors. J Cell Biol. 2007 Dec 31;179:1569-1582.
Zhou Q, Heinke J, Vargas A, Winnik S, Krauss T, Bode C, Patterson C, Moser M. ERK signaling is a central regulator for BMP-4 dependent capillary sprouting. Cardiovasc Res. 2007 Dec 1;76:390-399.
Wang H, Charles PC, Wu Y, Ren R, Pi X, Moser M, Barshishat-Kupper M, Rubin JS, Perou C, Bautch V, Patterson C. Gene expression profile signatures indicate a role for Wnt signaling in endothelial commitment from embryonic stem cells. Circ Res. 2006 May 26;98:1331-1339.
Ahrens IG, Moran N, Aylward K, Meade G, Moser M, Assefa D, Fitzgerald DJ, Bode C, Peter K. Evidence for a differential functional regulation of the two beta(3)-integrins alpha(V)beta(3) and alpha(IIb)beta(3). Exp Cell Res. 2006 Apr 1;312:925-937.
Moser M, Knoth R, Bode C, Patterson C. LE-PAS, a novel Arnt-dependent HLH-PAS protein, is expressed in limbic tissues and transactivates the CNS midline enhancer element. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 2004 Sep 28;128:141-149.
Aitsebaomo J, Wennerberg K, Der CJ, Zhang C, Kedar V, Moser M, Kingsley-Kallesen ML, Zeng GQ, Patterson C. p68RacGAP is a novel GTPase-activating protein that interacts with vascular endothelial zinc finger-1 and modulates endothelial cell capillary formation. J Biol Chem. 2004 Apr 23;279:17963-17972.
Moser M, Binder O, Wu Y, Aitsebaomo J, Ren R, Bode C, Bautch VL, Conlon FL, Patterson C. BMPER, a novel endothelial cell precursor-derived protein, antagonizes bone morphogenetic protein signaling and endothelial cell differentiation. Molecular and cellular biology. 2003 Aug;23:5664-5679.
Wu Y, Moser M, Bautch VL, Patterson C. HoxB5 is an upstream transcriptional switch for differentiation of the vascular endothelium from precursor cells. Molecular and cellular biology. 2003 Aug;23:5680-5691.
Moser M, Bertram U, Peter K, Bode C, Ruef J. Abciximab, eptifibatide, and tirofiban exhibit dose-dependent potencies to dissolve platelet aggregates. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Apr;41:586-592.
Bertram U, Moser M, Peter K, Kuecherer HF, Bekeredjian R, Straub A, Nordt TK, Bode C, Ruef J. Effects of different thrombolytic treatment regimen with abciximab and tirofiban on platelet aggregation and platelet-leukocyte interactions: a subgroup analysis from the GUSTO V and FASTER trials. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2002 Dec;14:197-203.
Moser M, Ruef J, Peter K, Kohler B, Gulba DC, Paterna N, Nordt T, Kubler W, Bode C. Ecarin clotting time but not aPTT correlates with PEG-hirudin plasma activity. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2001 Oct;12:165-169.
Ruef J, Moser M, Kubler W, Bode C. Induction of endothelin-1 expression by oxidative stress in vascular smooth muscle cells. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2001 Nov-Dec;10:311-315.
Ruef J, Moser M, Bode C, Kubler W, Runge MS. 4-hydroxynonenal induces apoptosis, NF-kappaB-activation and formation of 8-isoprostane in vascular smooth muscle cells. Basic research in cardiology. 2001 Apr;96:143-150.
Peter K, Kohler B, Straub A, Ruef J, Moser M, Nordt T, Olschewski M, Ohman ME, Kubler W, Bode C. Flow cytometric monitoring of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blockade and platelet function in patients with acute myocardial infarction receiving reteplase, abciximab, and ticlopidine: continuous platelet inhibition by the combination of abciximab and ticlopidine. Circulation. 2000 Sep 26;102:1490-1496.
Peter K, Schwarz M, Conradt C, Nordt T, Moser M, Kubler W, Bode C. Heparin inhibits ligand binding to the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18). Circulation. 1999 Oct 5;100:1533-1539.
Moser M, Nordt T, Peter K, Ruef J, Kohler B, Schmittner M, Smalling R, Kubler W, Bode C. Platelet function during and after thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction with reteplase, alteplase, or streptokinase. Circulation. 1999 Nov 2;100:1858-1864.
Peter K, Schwarz M, Ylanne J, Kohler B, Moser M, Nordt T, Salbach P, Kubler W, Bode C. Induction of fibrinogen binding and platelet aggregation as a potential intrinsic property of various glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (alphaIIbbeta3) inhibitors. Blood. 1998 Nov 1;92:3240-3249.
Nordt TK, Moser M, Kohler B, Ruef J, Peter K, Kubler W, Bode C. Augmented platelet aggregation as predictor of reocclusion after thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction. Thrombosis and haemostasis. 1998 Dec;80:881-886.
Review articles
Moser M, Nitschmann S. [Cardiovascular outcomes for people using, anticoagulation strategies : COMPASS].
Internist (Berl). 2018 Jun;59(6):636-638.
Moser M. Peri- and postinterventional antithrombotic therapy in TAVI. Do we need antiplatelet therapy? Hamostaseologie. 2016;36:44-45
Lother A, Furst D, Bergemann S, Gilsbach R, Grahammer F, Huber TB, Hilgendorf I, Bode C, Moser M, Hein L. Deoxycorticosterone Acetate/Salt-Induced Cardiac But Not Renal Injury Is Mediated By Endothelial Mineralocorticoid Receptors Independently From Blood Pressure. Hypertension. 2016 Jan;67:130-138
Lother A, Moser M, Bode C, Feldman RD, Hein L. Mineralocorticoids in the Heart and Vasculature: New Insights for Old Hormones. Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology. 2014 Sep 10
Helbing T, Olivier C, Bode C, Moser M, Diehl P. Role of microparticles in endothelial dysfunction and arterial hypertension. World journal of cardiology. 2014 Nov 26;6:1135-1139
Olivier CB, Diehl P, Bode C, Moser M. [Antiplatelet therapy after acute coronary syndrome : Therapeutic strategies and treatment duration]. Herz. 2014 Nov;39:808-813
Reinohl J, von Zur Muhlen C, Moser M, Sorg S, Bode C, Zehender M. TAVI 2012: state of the art. Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2013 May;35:419-435.
Helbing T, Bode C, Moser M. Neue Antiokoagulantien bei der Behandlun des Vorhofflimmerns. UHZ aktuell. 2013 Jan;1.
Moser M, Olivier CB, Bode C. Triple antithrombotic therapy in cardiac patients: more questions than answers. Eur Heart J. 2013 Dec 2.
Moser M HT, Fink K, Bode C and Diehl P. Microparticles: Surrogate Markers & Biological Vectors in Cardiovascular Diseases. Translational Medicine. 2013;3.
Olivier C, Diehl P, Bode C, Moser M. Thrombin Receptor Antagonism in Antiplatelet Therapy. Cardiol Ther. 2013:1-12.
Moser M, Bode C. [Anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation : the future has begun]. Internist (Berl). 2012 Jan;53:30-37.
Bauersachs R, Gogarten W, Hach-Wunderle V, Harenberg J, Krauspe R, Lindhoff-Last E, Leschke M, Moser M, Mouret P, Osterhues H, Spannagl M, Waydhas C, Haas S. Perioperatives Management der Antikoagulation mit Rivaroxaban – Konsensus einer interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe. Klinikarzt. 2012;41:424-431.
Diehl P, Olivier C, Bode C, Moser M. Reduction of oxidative stress: a new indication for acetylsalicylic acid in coronary artery bypass surgery. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery. 2012.
Duerschmied D, Bode C, Moser M. Which antiplatelet therapy for whom? Aktuelle Kardiologie. 2012;1:44-48.
Heinke J, Patterson C, Moser M. Life is a pattern: vascular assembly within the embryo. Front Biosci (Elite Ed). 2012;4:2269-2288.
Helbing T, Bode C, Moser M. [Rivaroxaban in the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders]. Hamostaseologie. 2012;32:195-202.
Moser M, Bode C. Antikoagulation bei Vorhofflimmern: Neue Antikoagulanzien. Der Kardiologe. 2012;6:148-156.
Moser M, Bode C. Einsatz neuer Antikoagulantien bei koronarer Herzerkrankung. MedReport. 2012;2:2-3.
Moser M, Bode C. Antikoagulation bei Vorhofflimmern. MedWelt. 2012;63:81-83.
Moser M, Bode C. Aktuelle Studiensituation der neuen Antikoagulantien - Thromboembolische Erkrankungen. Klinikarzt. 2012;41:10-21.
Moser M, Bode C. [Anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation: a new era has begun]. Hamostaseologie. 2012;32:37-39.
Weiss JB, Eisenhardt SU, Stark GB, Bode C, Moser M, Grundmann S. MicroRNAs in ischemia-reperfusion injury. Am J Cardiovasc Dis. 2012;2:237-247.
Moser M, Bode C. [New perspectives for anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation]. Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift. 2011 Sep;136:1966-1970.
Moser M, Bode C. Neue Antikoagulantien bei Vorhofflimmern - Haben Vitamin K Antagonisten ausgedient? Thieme Kompendium Herz-Kreislauf. 2011 Apr;7. Jahrgang.
Moser M, Bode C. Statt Marcumar ein neues Medikament? Dabigatran bei Vorhofflimmern. HERZ heute. 2011;3:5-9.
Moser M, Bode C. Was bringen die neuen Antikoagulanzien bei Vorhofflimmern? Kardiologie up2date. 2011;7:215-226.
Duerschmied D, Bode C, Moser M. Clopidogrel in acute coronary syndrome: implications of recent study findings. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2010 Sep;8:1215-1229.
Hans F, Moser M, Bode C, Grundmann S. MicroRNA regulation of angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2010 Nov;20:253-262.
Moser M, Bode C. Antiplatelet therapy for atherothrombotic disease: how can we improve the outcomes? Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis. 2010 Aug;30:240-249.
Moser M, Bode C. Antikoagulation - zukünftige parenterale Konzepte. Vasomed. 2010;22:107-111.
Moser M, Bode C. Was können neue Antiplättchentherapien anbieten? MedReport. 2010;3:11-12.
Moser M, Bode C. New antithrombotic agents in acute coronary syndromes. Curr Opin Cardiol. 2009 Jul;24:313-317.
Moser M, Bode C. [Antithrombotic therapy of acute myocardial infarction]. Internist (Berl). 2008 Sep;49:1031-1037.
Diehl P, Helbing T, Bode C, Moser M. [The role of microparticles in vascular diseases]. Hamostaseologie. 2008 Oct;28:203-206.
Moser M. [The role of thrombin in angiogenesis]. Hamostaseologie. 2008 Oct;28:189-194.
Moser M, Bode C. [Anticoagulation in acute coronary syndrome. An update]. Hamostaseologie. 2008 Feb;28:62-65.
Grumann T, Diehl P, Bode C, Moser M. [Is stent thrombosis the new Achilles heel of interventional cardiology? State of the Art clinical trials, causes and approaches for prevention]. Hamostaseologie. 2007 Dec;27:344-350.
Moser M, Patterson C. Bone morphogenetic proteins and vascular differentiation: BMPing up vasculogenesis. Thrombosis and haemostasis. 2005 Oct;94:713-718.
Moser M, Bode C. [Future developments in the therapy of acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction]. Herz. 2005 Dec;30:704-709.
Moser M, Patterson C. Thrombin and vascular development: a sticky subject. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2003 Jun 1;23:922-930.
Nordt TK, Moser M, Kohler B, Kubler W, Bode C. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of lanoteplase (n-PA). Thrombosis and haemostasis. 1999 Sep;82 Suppl 1:121-123.
Moser M, Bode C. Pharmacology and clinical trial results of saruplase (scuPA) in acute myocardial infarction. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 1999 Mar;8:329-335.
Moser M, Kohler B, Schmittner M, Bode C. Recombinant plasminogen activators: a comparative review of the clinical pharmacology and therapeutic use of alteplase and reteplase. BioDrugs. 1998 Jun;9:455-463.
Bode C, Kohler B, Moser M, Zimmermann R, Strasser RH, Kubler W. [Antithrombotic prevention and therapy in coronary heart disease]. Internist (Berl). 1997 Jul;38:658-666.
Bode C, Peter K, Moser M, Smalling RW, Weaver WD. Clinical trial results with a new plasminogen activator. Eur Heart J. 1997 Dec;18 Suppl F:F17-21.
Bode C, Kohler B, Moser M, Schmittner M, Smalling RW, Strasser RH. Reteplase (r-PA): a new plasminogen activator. Expert Opin Investig Drugs. 1997 Aug;6:1099-1104.
Bode C, Peter K, Nordt T, Kohler B, Moser M, Tauchmann G. Neue Plasminogenaktivatoren. Medizinische Welt. 1997;48:338-343.
Diehl P, Olivier C, Bode C, Moser M. Editorial comment: Reduction of oxidative stress: a new indication for acetylsalicylic acid in coronary artery bypass surgery. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery. 2013 Jun;43:1163-1164.
Dyer L, Wu Y, Moser M, Patterson C. BMPER-induced BMP signaling promotes coronary artery remodeling. Developmental biology. 2013 Dec 27.
Moser M, Olivier CB, Bode C. Triple antithrombotic therapy in cardiac patients: more questions than answers. Eur Heart J. 2013 Dec 2.
Moser M OC, Bode C. Triple antithrombotic therapy in cardiac patients: more questions than answeres. European Heart Journal. 2013.
Diehl P, Olivier C, Bode C, Moser M. Reduction of oxidative stress: a new indication for acetylsalicylic acid in coronary artery bypass surgery. European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery. 2012.
Moser M, Bode C. Are new antithrombotics the modern fountain of youth? Achievements and limitations. Hamostaseologie. 2012;32:176.
Moser M, Bode C. Redemption by RE-DEEM? Eur Heart J. 2011 Nov;32:2734-2735.
Grundmann S, Bode C, Moser M. Inflammasome activation in reperfusion injury: friendly fire on myocardial infarction? Circulation. 2011 Feb 15;123:574-576.
Grundmann S, Bode C, Moser M. Mannose-binding lectin: an ancient molecule with new implications in myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J. 2010 May;31:1163-1164.
Moser M, Bode C, Nitschmann S. [Clopidogrel and aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation : ACTIVE A study (Atrial fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with Irbesartan for prevention of Vascular Events).]. Internist (Berl). 2010 Jan;51:100-102.
Moser M, Bode C. Platelets and vascular disease. Hamostaseologie. 2009 Nov;29:319.
Moser M, Bode C. [Vascular biology and blood coagulation]. Hamostaseologie. 2008 Oct;28:187.
Book chapters
Moser M, Frey M, Bode C. Acute ST-elevation Myocardial infarction (STEMI). In: Runge MS, Stouffer G, Patterson C, eds. Netter's Cardiology. Elsevier Health Science; 2010:115-121.
Moser M, Patterson C. The Role of Thrombin in Vascular Development. In: Maragoudakis ME, Tsopanoglou NE, eds. Thrombin. Springer US; 2009:81-92.
Moser M, van de Loo A, Bode C. Akute koronare Syndrome. In: Böhm M, Classen M, Diehl V, Hallek M, Kochsiek K, Schmiegel W, eds. Innere Medizin. München: Urban&Fischer; 2008:81-89.
Richter S, Moser M, Bode C. Thrombolytika. In: Bruhn H, Schambeck C, Hach-Wunderle V, eds. Hämostaseologie für die Praxis. Schattauer; 2007:195-205.
Bode C, Moser M, Kübler W. Die thrombolytische Therapie des akuten Myokardinfarktes. In: Hombach V, ed. Interventionelle Kardiologie. Schattauer; 2001:375-382.
Moser M, Bode C. Thrombolytische Therapie des akuten Myokardinfarktes. In: Martin E, Nawroth P, eds. Fachübergreifende Aspekte der Hämostaseologie III Thrombose und Fibrinolyse. London: Springer; 1998:13-30.
Prof. Dr. Moser
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