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Vis à vis in the Brain: The Neuron-Glia Interface

Continuing Education at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS)


Montag, 09.09.2024 bis Mittwoch, 11.09.2024


09.09.2024 12:00 bis 11.09.2024 13:15 Uhr



Hörsaal Killianstraße, HNO- und Augenklinik
Killianstraße 5
79106 Freiburg

Medical Center University of Freiburg
Hörsaal Killianstrasse
Killianstrasse 5
79106 Freiburg (Germany)




The human mind is conventionally recognized as only derived from neuronal activity, with the dynamic activity of neurons involved in the transfer and processing of information. Glial cells, traditionally thought of simply as the “glue” of the nervous system, were thought to be uninvolved in information processing and only ensuring homeostatic maintenance. Recent evidence has now largely recognized that these cell types play many critical roles in the development and function of the brain.

The conference entitled “Vis à vis in the Brain: The Neuron-Glia Interface” will bring together experts from Neuroscience, Neurotechnology, and Neuroimmunology to highlight and present the most recent developments and unpublished discoveries. It will take place at the Medical Center-University of Freiburg, just a few minutes from the bustling city center.


Organizing and Scientific Committee
Vidhya M. Ravi
(Medical Center University of Freiburg, FRIAS Junior Fellow)
Katrin Kierdorf (Medical Center University of Freiburg)
Kevin Joseph (Medical Center University of Freiburg)
Paolo d’ Errico (University of Freiburg)


Congress Organizer
Medical Center University of Freiburg
Department of Communication - Event Management

For more information and to register, please visit: https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/ngi-freiburg.html