Clinical Cancer Registry and IT
at the Comprehensive Cancer Center - CCCFOne of the most important responsibilities of medical care and science is to study the causes of diseases and at the same time improve their treatment. Cancer registries provide crucial support in this regard.
Our Clinical Cancer Registry (Klinisches Kresbregister – KKR) provides information on the diagnosis, therapy, and course of all cancer cases treated at the Comprehensive Cancer Center since 1983. We can use the data from the registry to study the quality of the treatments from various perspectives, compare them, assess them, and structurally evaluate them.
Our team of documentalists, data managers, and developers at the Clinical Cancer Registry is highly productive: For 2019, for example, we were able to enter almost 70,000 records on the diagnosis, therapy, and course of tumor diseases in our register and make them available for evaluations. In addition, we documented the more than 13,000 annual cases presented to the tumor boards with the tumor board online system (TOS) also included in the Clinical Cancer Registry. The information compiled were both passed on to the State Cancer Registry and used and evaluated for the certification of the centers. Consequently, these data are not just available for use at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg – CCCF but also for statewide evaluations on healthcare policy, quality assurance, research, and quality conferences.
The Clinical Cancer Registry also participates in projects aimed at improving and standardizing tumor documentation, for example in the commentary of standardized nationwide records as a member of the Association of German Tumor Centers (ADT, in German), the “Digital Oncology” working group of the CCC network (in German), and of the Association of Tumor Centers, Oncology Centers, and Working Groups of the Transdisciplinary Oncological Care (ATO), of the AG 04 Clinical Cancer Registries, of TeMeK-Projekt and of PM4Onco. (Websites in German).
Furthermore, we maintain close contact with the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine (MIRACUM), the Medical Informatics Initiative Germany, and the Center for Personalized Medicine (ZPM/ DNPM) (in German).
The documentalists at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg – CCCF work together with the documentalists at the various member departments to compile data on all tumor patients in accordance with the current guidelines of cancer registration as well as by OnkoZert in the tumor document system ONKOSTAR of the company IT-Choice in Karlsruhe. They are supported by internal meetings and training courses in the context of regular quality circles – so-called Clinical Cancer Registry meetings. In addition, internal documentation aids are provided.
The goal of tumor documentation is to document the treatment and the course of a tumor disease in a structured, understandable, comparable, and systematic way.
If you have questions on tumor documentation at the Comprehensive Cancer Center – CCCF, please contact us at

Prof. Dr. Dr. Melanie Börries
Division Manager
Telephone +49 (0)761 203-84671

Martina Locher, M.Sc.
Team Leader
Telephone +49 (0)761 270-36040

Dipl.-Dok. (FH) Jan Friedrich Barleben
Computer Scientist
Telephone +49 (0)761 270-33020

Davide Palumbo
Telephone +49 (0)761 270-71530
Fax +49 (0)761 270-33980

Lina Glaser
Telephone +49 (0)761 270-71717