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Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine

The new Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine, directed by Prof Peter Kohl, forms one of five structural units comprising the University Heart Centre (UHZ) of the Medical Centre – University of Freiburg. The institute, a hub of interdisciplinary collaboration and translational research, is based at a newly-built research block, with modern research infrastructure and state-of-the-art laboratories. To facilitate interactions with theoretical, technical, biological and medical research, it is built on columns of technical expertise, rather than structured to target a specific level or topic of investigation. 

Further Information

Institute for Experimental Cardiovascular Medicine

Elsässer Str. 2Q
79110 Freiburg

IEKM Office

Stefanie Wachsmann

E-Mail: iekm.office@uniklinik-freiburg.de
Phone: +49 761 270 63950
Fax: +49 761 270 1663959