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        Centrum für Chronische Immundefizienz - CCI

        Pediatric Outpatient Clinic

        We hold a specialist clinic four days a week for inborn and acquired immunodeficiency, clarification of susceptibility to infections, and unexplained fever, inflammation and infections.

        Monday 8:30 - 12:30 Immunodeficiency, suceptibility to infections, unexplained fever
        14:00 - 16:30 Infectious diseases and HIV, tropics and travel medicine, vaccination issues
        Tuesday 8:30 - 12:00 Infectious diseases and HIV, tropics and travel medicine, vaccination issues
        14:00 - 16:30 Immunodeficiency, suceptibility to infections, unexplained fever
        Wednesday 14:00 - 17:00 Immunodeficiency, suceptibility to infections, unexplained fever

        Christina Kronthaler
        Pediatric Nurse
        Phone: +49 (0)761 270-43870
        During clinic hours: +49 (0)761 270-78190
        Fax: +49 (0)761 270-45990

        In case of emergency or outside office hours contact the hospital operator at for referral at +49 (0)761 270-43000.

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