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Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg - CCCF

Freiburg, 05/09/2023

Tumor Immunology Researcher Prof. Dr. Robert Zeiser Receives Award Again

ERC Advanced Grant in the amount of 2.5 Mill.


The Freiburg physician Prof. Dr. Robert Zeiser receives an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros / With his research, he wants to develop new approaches for the prevention and therapy of severe complications after stem cell transplantation.

Stem cell donation is a promising therapy for many leukemia patients. But the therapy has risks: It is not uncommon for leukemia to return, and in about half of those treated, the transferred immune cells attack the recipient's tissue. Such acute graft-versus-host disease, or aGvHD, is just as life-threatening as a possible leukemia relapse. With an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros, the European Research Council is funding Prof. Dr. Robert Zeiser from the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg, who, together with his team, is investigating new approaches to improve the healing of patients after stem cell transplantation.

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