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Comprehensive Cancer Center Freiburg - CCCF

Colorectal Center

Dear patients!

We are a German Cancer Society–certified colorectal cancer center and are committed to looking after you throughout the treatment of a malignant colorectal disease. We guarantee you top-quality interdisciplinary treatment. We therefore work together with specialists from surgery, oncology, gastroenterology, and radiation oncology in diagnosis and treatment.

Flyer (in German)

Outpatient departments and appointments

Department of General and Visceral Surgery
Special colorectal surgery consultation hour
Mon., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Website (in German)

Telephone +49(0)761 270-25480

Department of Medicine I
Website (in German)

Telephone +49(0)761 270-35555

Department of Medicine II
Website (in German)

Telephone +49(0)761 270-32768

Interdisciplinary Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Website (in German)

Telephone +49(0)761 270-33033/ 33034

Department of Radiation Oncology
Tues. and Thurs., 10 a.m. to 12 noon

Telephone +49(0)761 270-94620

Institute for Human Genetics
weekdays, 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 to 4 p.m.,
Fri. until 3 p.m.
Website (in German)

Telephone +49(0)761 270-70560

Stomal and continence therapy
weekdays, by appointment
Find out more (in German)

Telephone +49(0)761 270-24410

Diagnosis, Treatment, & Trials


Many cases of colorectal cancer are curable. The crucial factor is early and consistent interdisciplinary treatment. Treatment options range from surgery to drug therapies and radiotherapy. We adapt the therapy individually to our patients.

Today, treatment generally always involves a combination of treatment methods. The most important one is surgery, the only method capable of curing colorectal cancer.

Find out more (in German)


The Team at the Colorectal Cancer Center

Prof. Dr.  Hannes Neeff
Telefon 0761 270-26970
Telefax 0761 270-27820

Deputy Director

PD Dr. Gabriel Seifert
Telefon 0761 270-24010
Telefax 0761 270-27820


Dr. Andreas Jud
Telefon 0761 270-24010
Fax 0761 270-27820

Deputy Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Heiko Becker
Telefon 0761 270-34010
Telefax 0761 270-32330

Gastrointestinal Oncology

Prof. Dr. Michael Quante
Telefon: 0761 270-32768

Curriculum vitae (in German)


Dr. Kristina Maas-Bauer
Telefon 0761 270-36000

Interdisciplinary endoscopy

PD Dr. Armin Küllmer
Telefon 0761 270-33033
Telefax 0761 270-33034

Oncology specialized care

Ulrike Mößner
Telefon: 0761 270-34191

Oncology specialized care

Lydia Schmid
Telefon: 0761 270-26780

Oncology specialized care

Rebecca Reinhard
Telefon: 0761 270-26780

Stoma and continence therapy

Angelika Kohlrepp
Telefon: 0761 270-24410

Stoma and continence therapy

Regina Burtsche
Telefon: 0761 270-24410

Clinical Pathways
Support Groups

Foto von Matthias Zomer von Pexels



Regional support groups

News from support groups

National: www.ilco.de

(in German)





Bitte akzeptieren Sie Youtube um dieses Video anzuschauen.

The Many Facets of the Intestine: From Irritable Bowel Syndrome to Colon Cancer – 3rd Freiburg Evening Talk at the Freiburg University Medical Center, 13 July 2017, 1:15 min (in German)

Bitte akzeptieren Sie Youtube um dieses Video anzuschauen.

Film by the German Cancer Society on Certified Colorectal Cancer Centers from 20 Feb. 2016, 4:01 min (in German)

Certificates of the German Cancer Society
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